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General Discussion

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Important threads

  1. Happy Birthday, Roxi! (60 Replies)
  2. 3MIN News October 24, 2012 (4 Replies)
  3. Daily Hyper Report 10/24 (2 Replies)
  4. Disturbing: CBS Affiliate Accidentally Runs Khyron Dated Nov 6 Declaring Obama Winner Of 2012 Election (42 Replies)
  6. Ye Old Cock & Bull Roadhouse & Drive-Thru Ver 2.0 (884 Replies)
  7. CIA Officer goes public: Clinton, Petreaus watched live feed from Libya (15 Replies)
  8. has been restored.... (40 Replies)


  2. WTF, dude (24 Replies)
  3. We need to start killing off the Feral Humans... (24 Replies)
  4. Oh Sh%T! Benghazigate heading for terminal mass (4 Replies)
  5. Trump bombshell - Show us your records for $5mm to Charity (10 Replies)
  6. Obama - The Rothschilds Baby?? (2 Replies)
  7. Entire Indian tribe threatens to commit mass suicide after Brazil court rules they must leave sacred burial la (5 Replies)
  8. VOTE ! ... VOTE ! ... VOTE ! ... FOR ION, OF COURSE ! (1189 Replies)
  9. Lost threads and articles (1 Reply)
  10. Gold price bounces off $1720 as Germany wants its gold back because it doesn't trust the NY Fed (8 Replies)
  11. Joe Biden's Secret Service officer 'sexually assaulted 14-year-old female relative on multiple occasions' (3 Replies)
  12. SENTENCED: Goldman Sachs Director Gets Two Years In Country Club Prison For Insider Trading (5 Replies)
  13. Set the Red Line ~ YOU Can DO Something (7 Replies)
  14. The DIY detox bath - Have a home spa day and soak away aches, pains, harmful toxins, pesticides and heavy... (10 Replies)
  15. A Final Warning from George Orwell (4 Replies)
  16. Gov. Jesse Ventura & Gov. Gary Johnson Tear it Up in Minnesota - Macalster College (0 Replies)
  17. US Justice Department to clear Bank of America of any wrong doing in mortgage fraud (5 Replies)
  18. Anger in America: CBC Propaganda Film (11 Replies)
  19. Super Storm Sandy may be affecting the Northeast next weekend (18 Replies)
  20. Apple factories in trouble, looking for workers (4 Replies)
  21. Martin Sheen and Woody Harrelson to star in 9/11 'truther' film September Morn (8 Replies)
  22. ...helicopters? (9 Replies)
  23. wipes user's account, instantly deletes every ebook she ever purchased (5 Replies)
  24. NC voting machines rigged for Obama? (4 Replies)
  25. Best UFO Sightings Of February 2012, AFO (0 Replies)
  26. Obama Administration - TREASON ! (5 Replies)
  27. Donald Trump produces nothing...... Again! (2 Replies)
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  36. 20 yo black woman set on fire in LA did it to herself?!@!@? (1 Reply)
  37. Top 10 Healthy Yet Cheap Organic Foods (0 Replies)
  38. Arduino-based, urban aquaponics in Oakland (5 Replies)
  39. Glenn Beck We are all Catholics now...Romney also says something odd (11 Replies)
  40. Signs Of Change - The Past Week Or So- Intil October 22, 2012 (7 Replies)
  41. Donald Trump: Major Obama Announcement Next Week (27 Replies)
  42. Gov’t experts now admitting “crude oil” is what’s in giant sinkhole, not diesel (18 Replies)
  43. Digestive Enzymes Eliminate Gas, Bloating and Heartburn (0 Replies)
  44. Natural and Alternative Treatments for Epstein Barr and Mononucleosis (0 Replies)
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  46. Alert, We Are building Killers (0 Replies)
  48. Reposted for those interested: Presidential Debate - October 23 (11 Replies)
  49. Fukushima Spent Fuel Pools Exploded, On Fire Now, Radiation Levels Spiking Massively (4 Replies)
  50. What You Want Hear in the Debate Tonight (11 Replies)
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